Learn from yesterday, live for today,

hope for tomorrow.

May 20, 2014

Week 19

Week: 19
Baby: Baby B is the size of a tomato this week. His/her senses are developing so he/she can taste, smell, hear, see and touch. Baby B can now hear my voice and weighs about 8.5 ounces.
Total weight gain: 4 pounds so far! I am really happy about this because it means I have more wiggle room from 20 weeks on.
Sleep: Sleep is great other than the random crazy dreams! I am also waking up a few times at night on my stomach and it is uncomfortable. My mom has a body pillow for me to use when I go home. I am excited to try it out and see if it will keep me from rolling onto my stomach during the night.
Favorite moment of the week: WE FOUND OUT THE GENDER!! Sort of.....

The tech was able to identify the gender, but did not tell us. She wrote it down in a card and we mailed it to my sister-in-law, Sara. She is the only one who knows right now. She texted me to tell me she got the card and that she wouldn't talk to me for a week. =) It is definitely harder knowing that someone close to me knows, but we have no way to find out until we get home!! Our gender reveal is May 25th back in Fort Smith, AR.
Miss anything? I miss a glass of wine. I love pinot grigio, and would just like a glass every now and then! I know that some people say a glass once in a while is okay, but I think that would only make me crave it more. So I am staying away...but a nice, relaxing glass does sound good.
Movement: We felt the baby move Sunday night for the first time. We were lying in bed about to turn the lights out when I felt this weird nudge on my lower right side (Baby B has been sitting on the right side since we found out we were pregnant....I'm lop-sided). I put my hand down there and felt a distinct budge on my stomach, so I grabbed Kyle's hand and made him feel. He had to push down a little more since he wasn't feeling it from the inside too. When he pushed down, Baby B kicked back. We were so excited to feel that for the first time!!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not right now...I'm just hungry!
Gender prediction: We don't care.....we are just so ready to find out!!
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: The only symptom I have noticed is being hungry all the time. I just want to eat...every few hours! This may not be too great for my future weight gain! =)
Mood: Great!
Looking forward to: Our gender reveal May 25th! It cannot get here fast enough!!!
Freak-out moment of the week: I was really nervous about the anatomy exam since it had been over a month since I had seen Baby B. When we got there and they started the ultrasound, Baby B was perfect! The brain, heart and spine looked absolutely perfect. We got to see the heart beating, the spine was all closed and the brain looked correctly developed. We were so excited and happy to see Baby B bouncing around in there.
Thankful for: This week I am thankful for my mother and sister-in-law who have worked so hard to put together this gender reveal coming up. They have kept every piece of it a secret from us....we don't even know how we are finding out the gender. I am so blessed to have a family that wants to celebrate this new life with us. I can't wait to be with them and find out with them. This support system is incredible!!

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