Learn from yesterday, live for today,

hope for tomorrow.

May 5, 2014

Week 17 - Month 5

Week: 17
Baby: Baby B is the size of a turnip! The cartilage is changing to bone and the umbilical cord is growing stronger. Baby B now weighs approximately 5 ounces and is 5 inches long from head to bottom.
Total weight gain: Not sure...we'll find out next week.
Sleep: Pretty good minus the weird dreams! I have been waking up around 4am and I find it really difficult to fall back asleep. I end up tossing and turning for the next hour and a half until my alarm goes off.
Favorite moment of the week: My favorite moment of the week was getting to go register for Baby B! I know we don't know the gender yet, but I have a shower at school in 2 weeks! We decided to go ahead of register for all the necessities beyond boy/girl items. We went with my fabulous friend, Emily, on Wednesday night to Buy Buy Baby so she could show me the ropes (she just had a baby in October)! On Sunday, Kyle and I went to Target and Babies 'R Us. It was so much fun picking out all of those goodies!
My other favorite moment of the week was when we purchased Baby B their first gift from Mommy and Daddy! We went to an antique store in Hayesville, NC and found a beautiful cedar chest that we could not pass up. This will be their special gift that they can treasure from us. I can't wait to see it all set up in the nursery.

Miss anything? I now miss my regular jeans fitting! Ha! I am pretty much down to maternity jeans only with the exception of a few regular pairs (but not my favorite ones)! =)
Movement: None yet, but I am ready to feel Baby B kicking!
Cravings: I want kid cereal....like Lucky Charms and Cocoa Krispies! These taste so good to me, and I know they're not good for me....but I want to eat them for every meal!
Anything make you queasy or sick? I was hoping I was over the queasiness of chicken noodle soup, but I am not! Kyle heated up some last night for him to eat, and I could not stand the smell of it. It was so gross...and I am sad because I loved chicken noodle soup!
Gender prediction:  Nope, but I am so ready to know!! May 14th is the anatomy appt and we will find out May 25th with everyone! =)
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Restlessness at night at 4am...
Mood: Good
Looking forward to: The anatomy ultrasound on May 14th, and I am graduating Thursday (May 8)! I am so excited Baby B will be going us for this exciting day!!
Freak-out moment of the week: The only "freak-out" I had was just being overwhelmed by all there was to register for and how expensive having a baby will be. We are prepared for it, but it is still a lot when you are walking around the stores registering and you see all of those crazy price tags.
Thankful for: A fantastic Aunt and Uncle that Baby B will have! When we first found out we were pregnant, they were some of the first people to start spoiling Baby B. They got these onesies for him/her as a sweet gift. It was so much fun to get a little gift for the baby. They are going to be the best aunt and uncle ever!

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