Learn from yesterday, live for today,

hope for tomorrow.

September 14, 2014

Week 36

Week: 36
Baby: Kason is still working on gaining weight - about an ounce a day. He weighs around 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. He is still considered "pre-term" right now. I went to the doctor this week and will start going every week from now on. During my checkup, they found him head down and I was dilated 1 cm. My doctor was happy to see this progress and we will do an ultrasound next week.
Total weight gain: 26 pounds! Joy...haha!
Sleep: Sleep is going well when I am actually sleeping. I am still getting up quite a bit, but I am sleeping hard when I get comfortable. 
Favorite moment of the week: This week, BSF started back up. This is Bible Study Fellowship that I have attended for many years now. This is my first year to attend the women's day class instead of the night one. I am excited about having the time to go to this during the day and my group was very excited about Kason's arrival. This made me feel good since he will have to stay with me for the first 6 months. I am also excited to start my weekly appointments. Going every week will reassure me that all is well and he is progressing as he should be.
Miss anything? I miss being able to bend at all...haha! It has become very difficult to move my body forward, backward or sideways. It used to just be uncomfortable, but now it really hurts to bend.
Movement: Kason moves many times during the day, but they mostly occur in the evenings and when I lay down to go to sleep. For some reason, he thinks that is playtime. I think he is just preparing me for less sleep! =)
Cravings: I just want to have milk all the time. We have been going through it quite a bit here and I panic if we run out! 
Anything make you queasy or sick? All food after lunch time. Ha! The idea of eating dinner really grosses me out right now because it usually means I will be sick at bed time. Poor Kyle has just been rummaging for food at dinner time because cooking in the evenings is not something that sounds great right now.
Gender: Boy!! Kason Dale Basham!
Labor signs: I mentioned this above, but I have some labor signs starting to show up. I am dilated 1 cm, 20% effaced. We are definitely in the home stretch.
Symptoms: The Braxton Hicks are becoming more regular. They are not terrible, but they definitely stop me in my tracks when they hit. They happen anytime of the day right now.
Mood: My mood is becoming anxious. Now that I know we are so close and it could really be any day, I find myself daydreaming about how it will happen. This can sometimes lean to worry because I hear stories about the other ways women have had babies. Some stories are great and some are scary. For a control freak like me, it is hard to NOT know what my story will be. 
Looking forward to: We have our next appointment on Tuesday to do an ultrasound and see what they estimate his weight to be. I am excited to get to see him and find out if I progressed any. I am also excited about this coming weekend because Kyle and I are going to have a "freezer meal party." We are going to work on some freezer meals to store up for the winter and I am excited to get this weekend with him!
Thankful for: I am thankful for the wonderful development of Kason and that he is so healthy right now. He has done so well during this pregnancy and I just can't wait to meet him in a few weeks. 

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